
My 10 newest toys
* = for fuzzy heroes, & = board game, % = non-fuzzy heroes war game, $ = rpg, # = computer/console game
1 Okko
2 dosbox/gapper #
3 4 inch Strawberry Shortcake Doll *
4 AT-ST Walker *
5 Strange potato shaped doll *
6 Dinosaur shaped basket *
7 Warcraft 3 expansion #
8 Shadowlord &
9 Sukioden Tactics #
10 Firefighter dog with water cannon *

newest books
1 The Ancestor's Tale Richard Dawkins
2 The Vagina Monologues Eve Ensler
3 Free Culture Lawrence Lessig
4 Knitting in Plain English Maggie Righetti
5 I, Asimov Issac Asimov
6 Friday Robert Heinlein
7 Dead Witch Walking Kim Harrison
8 The Good, the Bad, and the Undead Kim Harrison
9 Dune Frank Herbert
10 Rhapsody

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