product acqusition traces lead to <lj user="guipago">

X.x Basics x.X
[ Name ] Michael Guthrie Phillips
[ Nicknames ] I have answered to a hundred names, and will most likely answer to a thousand more.
[ Screen name ] voxpopuli42, Eliz Thann, ronin_kakuhito, voiceofthepeople
[ Birthday ] November 23, 1979
[ Age ] 24
[ Astrological sign? ] Sagitarious, I believe. I'd have to look it up.
[ Chinese zodiac sign? ] Goat, I think.
[ Religion ] Devout Agnostic
[ Status ] Single
[ Eye color ] green/brown bordering on hazel. With speckles sometimes.
[ Height ] 5'10"
[ Shoe size ] 12 or so, depends on brand
[ Parents still together? ] Not for years and years.
[ Siblings? ] 2 half sisters, one half brother
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] one of each
[ Kids of your own ] nada
[ Grandkids ] even fewer
[ Pets? ] Yes, A chocolate lab, a purebred mutt, the dumbest cat in the world, and three fish. I usually have more fish.

[ What do you drive? ] Don't.

X.x Favorites x.X
[ Color ] Deep and dark ones, reds, blues, purples, blacks.
[ Number ] eh? No idea
[ Animal ] Large dogs
[ Vehicle ] Anything that'll get to LEO. From there, you're half way to anywhere.
[ Flower ] the little ones that live on the margins, the ones that pop up first or that die last, the ones that come back and spread no matter what you planned.
[ Scent ] An old forest in the misting rain.
[ Soda ] Diet Coke
[ Book ] depends on the day of the year. Snow Crash or the Moon is a Harsh Mistress or any one of a dozen others.
[ Song ] Happy Phantom today, who knows tomorrow.
[ Cd ] I like the Armitage III sound track, REM's Document 5, BNL's Stunt, Amos' Little Earthquakes, any number of others.

X.x Do you... x.X
[ Color your hair? ] nope
[ Twirl your hair? ] seldom
[ Have tattoos? ] nah
[ Piercings? ] no
[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ] nope
[ Homework? ] I wish
[ Like roller coasters ] yeah
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] Yes.
[ Want more piercings? ] not at the moment
[ Like cleaning? ] gah, no
[ Write in cursive or print? ] I type.
[ Carry a donor card?] Yes
[ Swear a lot? ] occasionally, but not as a general thing
[ Own a web cam? ] nada
[ Know how to drive? ] the state thinks I do
[ Diet? ] *looks at gut* well, I should be, but no.
[ Own a cell phone? ] No
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] In recent experience? No.
[ Hablar Espanol? ] No. Watashi wa nihongo ga amari jouzu dewa arimasen.

X.x Have you ever.. x.X
[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ] no
[ DUI? ] no
[ Been in a wreck? ] several, only the one on the bike was my fault or even with me in controll of one of the vehicles.
[ Been arrested? ]never been caught
[ Been in a fist fight? ] one or two
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] nah.
[ Stolen anything? ] nope
[ Held a gun? ] Yes
[ Drank? ] Yes
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] nope
[ Considered a life of crime? ] daily
[ Considered being a hooker? ] no
[ Cheated on someone? ] nope
[ Been married? ] No
[ Cried over a girl? ] Yes
[ Cried over a boy? ] no
[ Lied to someone? ] Yes
[ Been in love? ] Yes
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] Yes
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] no
[ Been rejected? ] who hasn't?
[ Been in lust? ] really now, I'm a guy. of fucking course.
[ Use someone? ] try not to
[ Been cheated on? ] no
[ Been kissed? ] a time or two

X.x Now x.X
[ Current mood ] centerd
[ Current music ] the hum of my case fan
[ Current taste ] salt and sunflowers
[ Current hair ] short, brown, inbetween straight and kinked.
[ Current annoyance ] words
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] putting words in order
[ Current windows open ]Trillian, Gmail, Schlock Mercenary, Live Journal, Live Journal (on mom's computer so I keep the window count low. hers crashes too much.)
[ Current desktop picture ] ranma and ranma-chan
[ Current favorite band ] hum, no idea
[ Current book ] Broken Angles
[ Current cds in stereo ] Venus Still Orbiting
[ Current crush ] no one at the moment.
[ Current favorite celeb ] Wil Wheaton all the way.
[ Current hate ] I try to avoid that. Hate means that the person matters enough to hate, and anyone I'm going to hate isn't going to matter to me.
[ Current job ] Substitute Teacher/Writer

X.x The last time x.X
[ Last book you read ] Altered Carbon
[ Last movie you saw ] Riddick Chronicles maybe?
[ Last thing you had to drink ] Diet Coke
[ Last thing you ate ] Sunflower seeds
[ Last person you talked to on the phone ] Sherri Mattson, one of mom's priests.

X.x Do you x.X
[ Do drugs? ] nah
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ] no, I wish
[ Play an instrument? ] trumped, but I'm really rusty.
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ] Well, duh
[ Remember your first love? ] yeah
[ Still love him/her? ] probably, depends on your meaning of love
[ Read the newspaper? ] rarely
[ Have any gay, lesbian, or bisexual friends? ] well, yeah, no shit, I have more than 10 friends.
[ Believe in miracles? ] nope
[ Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? ] Yeah
[ Consider yourself tolerant of others? ] unless I'm bored
[ Consider love a mistake? ] nope
[ Have a favorite candy? ] either Andys mints or Symphony Chocolate Almonds and Toffee
[ Believe in astrology? ] nope
[ Believe in magic? ] nope
[ Believe in God? ] neutral against
[ Do well in school? ] usually
[ Go to or plan to go to college/University? ] got one degree, hoping for at least one more
[ Wear hats? ] only my bamboo pesant's hat
[ Hate yourself? ] nope
[ Have an obsession? ] several
[ Have a secret crush? ] none active

X.x Love life x.X
[ First crush ] Jasmine, 1st grade
[ First kiss ] a ways back
[ Single or attached? ] single
[ Ever been in love? ] yeah
[ Do you believe in love at first sight? ] nope
[ Do you believe in "the one?" ] nope
[ Describe your ideal significant other ] I have no ideals, merely things to avoid. She definately needs to be her own person.
[ Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? ] not that I remember
[ Have you ever been intoxicated? ] Yes
[ Favorite place to be kissed ] no particular favorites
[ Shy to make the first move? ] yeah

X.x Word association x.X
[ Rock ] garden
[ Green ] grass
[ Wet ] day
[ Cry ] tear
[ Peanut ] butter
[ Hay ] fields
[ Cold ] days
[ Steamy ] towel
[ Fast ] seconds
[ Freaky ] moi?
[ Rain ] mists

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