A ray of sunshine

I guess if I get to talk about the bad, I should talk about why the day was going well before then too.
Well today I went through my files on the other computer, searching for partial stories, things to finish or rewrite or just get ideas from. In my mind I had a bunch of 250 word stubs sitting there, mostly an introduction to settings. In reality, there were actually a number of the stubs, but the majority of the storylings are at least a thousand words long and have enough that I should be able to do something with them.
You know what, I wish that you could get away with writing a two or three chapter introduction to setting like in earlier days. I enjoy writing that part so much, but it just won't work today. A whole chapter on pea soup? No way. (Okay, so I never managed to read that far into that particular monstrosity.)
On the down side, I have two stories that I have a problem with. The first is just missing a funny line that I had put in there origionally and apparently cut. The second I had notes on paper for and they are now missing. I was still setting the stage and can't remember all of the plot I wanted to use.

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