Blog Archive

"I have a Plan!" "Is it at least a good plan?" "Er. Not really, but it is a Plan!"

I have, for now, decided what I am going to do with this thing!
I am going to try to post at least two substantive entries here every day. At least one of them will contain a tanka or (if I get some help) a renga. If I can only post once a day, I will post one. The rest of that entry, as well as the other one will be a quasi-random set of musings that is almost, but not quite, unlike an essay. I will of course post at other times as well, but I am hoping to make good on my promise of two entries worth reading a day (except when I don't.)
I was considering a third daily post of an excerpt from something in progress, but knowing the speed with which I actually get writing done, I'd run out of backlog and troublesome sections for you folks to read in a month. I will post snippets of stories and other things in progress from time to time (and probably more frequently in the next month or so than in the future.)
*evil grin* ooh! You can test recipes for the cookbook. (Ask nessie's sister about the calamari stir-fry. Actually she's the only one who ate it (other than mom and I.))

the bottle of sand
beaches from across the world
a seashore enclosed
the salty air a memory
blowing through the gulf of time

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