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Well, it looks like I'll probably just overshoot my word cap.

I'm currently at 18,275 words on the story with the Wombat. Looks like I'll finish the plot at just over 20,000 with an additional 700-1000 for some transitions that I left to work on when I finished the story. Eva, it looks like I'll be able to e-mail/IM you your preview copies tomorrow, especially if you don't mind the place holders I put in for the transitions. (I don't know how long they are going to take to finish. It could be 20 minutes or it could be a day or more.) Do be aware that this is still a rough draft. There are parts that I've already edited a lot and am still unhappy with. The rest of you, well you can wait until I get it published (unless you really want to read a first draft of this. If so we can talk it over. I'm warning you that it still needs a lot of work.)

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